These instructions suppliment those which can be accessed by pressing the 'Info' button from within the stack.
+++ What is it?
CD is a tiny stack which will allow you to control your CD player from HyperCard while playing audio CDs. It was created specifically to fit in the spare screen space next to a Word 5.1 document on an 14" AV monitor, so it's way small: 96x72 pixels. (If you're using a smaller monitor, or want the panel to sit somewhere else, you're going to need to toy with the stack and resize scripts a little). It works with both Apple's CD driver and the CD ROM Toolkit.
+++ What can it do: BASIC
nb: Balloon help on all buttons is available.
The standard 'Play', 'Previous Track', 'Next Track', 'Eject', 'Stop' and 'Pause' buttons are implemented.
The 'Play' button is mildly clever in that if you click and hold, a menu with the numbers of all the tracks on the CD will appear, allowing instant access. This menu automatically senses the number of tracks.
The display numeral shows the current track number.
Clicking on the word 'Info' brings up most of these instructions.
+++ What it can do: ADDITIONAL
If you click on the Track Numeral the panel expands to show additional information. The total length of the CD and the elapsed time of the current track are displayed.
If you click in the extreme top left corner of the panel, a hiddden pop-up menu with useful destinations appears.
If you click in the extreme bottom left, the stack will open the CD Remote DA, if it is installed in the Apple Menu.
This additional panel can be re-hidden by clicking on the button in the bottom right corner.
+++ NOTE
Due to a feature of the XCMD used, if a CD is ejected and then it or another is inserted, the CD will be promptly re-ejected. Just put it back in and all will be well.
+++ So...
There we are. I hope someone finds it useful. I intend to produce a colour version of this stack just as soon as I find a Colourize XCMD which doesn't make my brain explode or involve ridiculous memory and storage overheads. I may also get into accessing CD listings if (a) I can get my head round them (b) I receive enough encouragement and (c) I can be bothered. I have the code ready and waiting for volume control if I can find a freeware external which works with my sys7.1/AV setup.
As I put this together for my own amusement, and rely upon the excellent freeware externals of Bill Parod, Frédéric Rinaldi and R. Geisler, I don't want anything for this stack. It would, however, be nice to be E-mailed if you find it useful. Also, if you have a cat, you might want to consider being extra nice to it for the day.
Feel free to distribute this stack as far and wide as you like, though please include this documentation. There is, of course, absolutely no warrenty implied as to this software's suitability for any function whatsoever.